Friday, July 24, 2009

Job growth and decline

  • Construction lost 110,000 jobs in January 2009, which put industry losses at over one million jobs since early 2007
  • Manufacturing lost 207,000 jobs this past January, the largest one-month decline since 1982
  • Retail lost 45,000 jobs,
  • warehousing lost 44,000,
  • and temporary work dropped nearly 80,000 positions, all in January
    Even finance lost 42,000 jobs

Two notable industries saw continued growth this past January:

  • Health care employment rose by 19,000 jobs, slowing a little from it's 2008 average of 30,000 jobs a month
  • Private education also saw a jump in employment of over 33,000 jobs

Source: Karl Fendelander's article on Yahoo education